[BALTIMORE] Anonymous Rage art show (includes DECOY)
DC's own street artists DECOY and Kelly Towles are two of the featured, and in my humble opinion best, artists in a new art show in Baltimore called Anonymous Rage.
There is a brief article in the Baltimore Sun about the show.
Here are some of DECOY's pieces, including a mural she painted on site:
‘ Nella notte tra il 29 febbraio e l’1 marzo 2020 Ugo Russo, ragazzo
quindicenne dei Quartieri Spagnoli, è stato ucciso da un carabiniere fuori
servizio do...
Novedades en Daquella manera.org
Aún hay unas cuantas subscripciones activas a esta antigua casa de Daquella
manera y visitantes ocasionales. La actividad continúa hace tiempo en
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