ORIGINALLY POSTED JUNE 18, 2007:A few days ago I met one of the artists involved with SiteProjects DC, Michael Lease, as he was wheatpasting his installation of dozens of 11x17 photographic prints over top one of my street art pieces (a piece that has been up at 14th and T NW since the day James Brown died last year...)

Ironically, he included a photo he took of my piece as one of his images in his installation. he described that image (and one other image of one of my other 14th street art pieces) as an
Guess thats cool ... but only because he was so nice about it, I guess I couldn't get too pissed. Plus he had permission to put his piece up. It came out pretty cool, actually.
Washington Post articleFourteenth Street NW is pretty much the District's Gallery Row. So it is curious indeed that Washington Project for the Arts..Corcoran bypassed all of its art spaces and set its new exhibition, SiteProjects DC, out in the corridor's elements -- on 14th Street's sidewalks, on the sides of its buildings and in its shops.
SiteProjects, opening today, explores the fleeting nature of the cityscape by filling it with art, and then -- like much of what has occupied 14th Street over the years -- simply disappearing.
Michael Lease'sMichael Lease's "For the Lack of Words" is part of SiteProjects DC, opening today on 14th Street NW. (Washington Project For The Arts..corcoran)
Sixteen artists -- some tapped by independent curator Welmoed Laanstra, some chosen from entries -- have created the ephemeral site-specific sculptures, wall pastings, "graffiti" molded from moss and performances. Among their works:
· Michael Lease, "For the Lack of Words," a set of wheat-pasted photographs recalling CD release posters and concert fliers, will feature images from the community on a brick wall at 14th and T at the old Church of the Rapture.
· Elizabeth Lundberg Morisette's "Shoe Tree," a hanging installation of found objects including shoe laces, will be at Duke's Shoe Repair (the piece is being donated to the store, so it will be there indefinitely). 2000 14th St. NW.
· Live performances include "Art Services: (Waste)," in which visual and performance artist Kathryn Cornelius will take out the trash from the galleries and art spaces on the block and clean the sidewalks. It's intended to draw parallels between the lives of a working artist and a blue-collar worker. July 10-14, 5-8 p.m. daily. 14th between P and V streets.
· Beginning in mid-July, you can catch Tom Greaves's " The Compliment Machine," a cylindrical sculpture with an audio device inside that offers up praise to passersby. It will be at the Metropolis Development storefront that's become an arts hub of late. 1541 14th St. NW.
Tonight at 8, during the opening reception at the Black Cat, Laanstra will lead a tour of the sites, beginning at the Cat. The opening is 7-9 p.m. Free. 1811 14th St. NW. Or catch one piece at a time through July 28. For a full list of the SiteProjects installations, visit http://www.wpaconline.org/events/siteprojectsdc.html. 202-639-1828.
UPDATE: Also, I just found this old
blog post by the artist.
Pictured, my art being covered up with his art.